Specialists in Worms, Quality Feeder Insects and Exotic Fish Bait

«We ship anywhere in the world!»

worms, live worms, exotic pet food, live pet food, fish bait, reptile food, lizard food, snake food, spider food, live insects, larvae, frozen pet food, exotic worms, butter worms, crickets, hornworms, silkworms, mealworms, dew worms, red worms, waxworm, superworm, fruit flies, flightless cultures, frozen rats, frozen mice, frozen quail
New Year Specials - Recorp Inc. January Special, Copyright © 2010, Recorp Inc. HOT Monthly Specials

1 special available for January:

Beat the Winter Blues

Beat the Winter Blues

No Tax Offer

Recorp understands that we are all strapped after the Holidays and that's why we offer an incentive to our customers.

NO TAX on ANY Order over $150.00 Retail.

For this special to apply you must meet the minimum retail order requirement of $150.00 order size as described in the special above excluding any additional shipping and handling costs.